Part1) Use the Java hierarchy you posted in week 5 (corrected based on any feedback you may have received). Add a user-defined exception that can be thrown by one of the methods as part of the validation or error checking. The main method should then create an instance of the class and call the method in such a way that the exception is thrown (e.g. invalid input or state of the system). Submit your program as an attached .java file and post a screen shot to show that you have been able to successfully run that program. Make sure you submission adheres to the SubmissionRequirements document.
Part2) Reply to another student’s post. Suggest another path and/or method where the new exception could be thrown OR suggest a different user-exception and where it could be used OR suggest a path where Java builtin exception could be used. Write main method to demonstrate the correct functionality of the additions. Submit a screen shot of the execution of the modified code.
Reply to another student’s post. Suggest another path and/or method where the new exception could be thrown OR suggest a different user-exception and where it could be used OR suggest a path where Java builtin exception could be used. Write main method to demonstrate the correct functionality of the additions.