Family Dynamics and The Chapters of My Life″ NOTICE***(Due Sunday by midnight at the end of week 3)This month you are to write a 1200 word research paper on concepts covered in this class and how you see them related to your own family life.This paper is worth 20% of your grade. As you read the text and do research throughout the class make notes of family systems concepts that you see illustrated in your own family life.Identify six or eight marriage and family concepts and explain how the
- Discuss Over under and through by Tana Hoban.
- Managing Xerox’s Multinational Development Center.
- Write a Spireslack field report.
- Discuss “Gates of Paradise” by Lorenzo Ghiberti.
- Describe Mechanical vibrations with viscous damping.
- Discuss Barbara Tyson Mosley.
- Discuss The problems in the global industrialised food system.
- Describe The Roman Colosseum.
- What did Orientalism do to the act of translation?
- Read and critique Hitchcock’s (2015b) paper.