After reading either Patricia Nguyen′s “salt | water: Vietnamese Refugee Passages, Memory, and Statelessness at Sea″ or Grace M. Cho′s “Voices from the Teum: Synesthetic Trauma and the Ghosts of the Korean Diaspora,″ write a reflection in which you highlight the major ideas of the text and discuss its relevance to our current unit theme of ″Transit/Detention.″ How does this text prompt us to reconsider the word-pair Transit-Detention in perhaps unexpected ways, and how does this reconsideration throw new light upon our overarching course topic, Borders and Crossings? For full credit, your reflection should incorporate meaningfully-contextualized and properly cited quotations from your chosen text (Nguyen/Cho) to support your overall discussion. Please write clearly and coherently, following all the standard writing conventions you have learned in your English classes, and make sure you proofread your work before submitting it.