This assignment asks you to develop your rhetorical analysis skills (practiced in your Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet) and to feature those skills in a formal paragraph. Using the tools we have discussed in class for analyzing arguments and structuring body paragraphs, write a paper evaluating the effectiveness of a rhetorical strategy David Foster Wallace uses in his essay “Consider the Lobster.” Is Wallace’s essay persuasive? Why and how? Do not explain Wallace’s argument, and do not debate about the ethics of boiling lobsters alive. Your task is to analyze the details of one of his strategies.
- Discuss Over under and through by Tana Hoban.
- Managing Xerox’s Multinational Development Center.
- Write a Spireslack field report.
- Discuss “Gates of Paradise” by Lorenzo Ghiberti.
- Describe Mechanical vibrations with viscous damping.
- Discuss Barbara Tyson Mosley.
- Discuss The problems in the global industrialised food system.
- Describe The Roman Colosseum.
- What did Orientalism do to the act of translation?
- Read and critique Hitchcock’s (2015b) paper.