#Poetry For this assignment, you will be responding to a visual or nontraditional text just as Kirby and Crovitz suggest in chapter 13.. Kirby and Crovitz say, “We’re working on helping our students become better thinkers, readers, and writers…With a slight change in perspective or technique, what works for understanding nontraditional texts also applies to print-based, traditional texts. Working with texts is all about creating and deriving meaning from those texts, written or visual, analog or digital, ubiquitous or rarefied. Just as talk lead into writing, so too do explorations with nontraditional texts build mental flexibility and critical abilities that yield stronger, more competent writers” (295).. With the ideas of chapter 13 of Inside Out in mind, select a visual text and respond creatively. This is pretty open — you choose the visual and type of response. Be sure to include the visual (or a link to it) in your submission and writing group discussion post.. Here is the visual text: https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/WAHc3JWW3F7kQA. And here is the creative response to it:. “Two Monkeys by Brueghel “. by Wislawa Szymborska (trans. from the Polish by Magnus Kryski). I keep dreaming of my graduation exam: in a window sit two chained monkeys, beyond the window floats the sky, and the sea splashes.. I am taking an exam on the history of mankind: I stammer and flounder.. One monkey, eyes fixed upon me, listens ironically, the other seems to be dozing– and when silence follows a question, he prompts me with a soft jingling of the chain.. Attached are some examples. And the pictudfpre that you need to use.