1. Summarize the data in the spreadsheet to create a YLT. (Ignore columns F and G which are not part of the ELT) 2. Compute the annual event frequency? 3. Compute the AAL? 4. Compute the 50, 100, 250 and 1000 year occurrence and aggregate PMLs. Display in a well-formatted table. 5. Add two new loss columns to the ELT and compute the occurrence ceded and net losses assuming a 950 xs 50 occurrence reinsurance program (in units shown in spreadsheet) 6. What is the AAL of ceded and net losses? 7. Re-create a YLT using net of reinsurance losses using the same process as step 1 but working with net losses 8. Compute the 50, 100, 250 and 1000 year occurrence and aggregate PMLs 9. Extra Credit: repeat steps 4-7 assuming there is a 950 aggregate limit 34