A successful essay will provide an overarching argument that pulls in material from the three main historical sections of the course (1865-1900, 1900-1945, 1945-Present).The issue of slavery was the defining issue in American history prior to the Civil War. In the century and a half since the end of the Civil War, what has been the defining issue of American history?
- Discuss Over under and through by Tana Hoban.
- Managing Xerox’s Multinational Development Center.
- Write a Spireslack field report.
- Discuss “Gates of Paradise” by Lorenzo Ghiberti.
- Describe Mechanical vibrations with viscous damping.
- Discuss Barbara Tyson Mosley.
- Discuss The problems in the global industrialised food system.
- Describe The Roman Colosseum.
- What did Orientalism do to the act of translation?
- Read and critique Hitchcock’s (2015b) paper.