What is the Gault site? Where is it? Why did different groups of people inhabit the site for thousands of years? (answer must be based on the YouTube video)
Give a specific example of how historians/archaeologists have used material culture (including human remains) to understand a particular historical event/issue. Did their findings change what we had known about the event before then?
What two “spots” in the Americas did the Spanish find something of great value? How did the Spanish experience influence the London Company when they developed the directions for the original Jamestown settlers?
What is a Virgin Soil epidemic? How was it related to domestic animals? Why did Native Americas experience a virgin soil epidemic?
Why did the King and Parliament grant the colonists so much self-government?
Who was the Half-King? What role did he play in initiating the French and Indian War? What motivated him to act as he did? How did the Half-King’s actions affect George Washington’s diplomatic mission?
Ann Putnam accused dozens of people of being witches (some of whom were accused by several individuals). Many years later, she spoke to her church about the witch scare. What did she say motivated her to accuse so many people?
Describe Benjamin Franklin’s relationship with his son William as presented in the video (From William’s youth through Benjamin’s death.) Describe Franklin’s relationship with his common-law wife Deborah Read?
9. What was the Navigation Act, and how did it impact the Dutch who traded with English colonies?
10. What was the House of Burgesses and why was it established?
11. What is the significance of what was found in the gravesite of Gabriel Archer? What can be understood from it?
12. How did the Hanoverian monarchs differ from the Stuarts? What was it about them which pleased Parliament?