Table 1.3 in your text and pictured below highlights the language used in the U.S. Constitution that deals with different aspects of criminal procedure. Do some external research. You can use the links to the U.S. Supreme Court terms titled “Reading a Legal Citation” that is inside the additional resources in the Chapter 1 Learning Lesson Folder. Find a concluded Supreme Court case from 2020 to 2024 that deals with one of the provisions of the U.S. Constitution Dealing with Criminal Law or Procedure (the original criminal case can be before 2020, your case just must be during the Supreme Court terms between 2020 and 2024):
Briefly explain the criminal case. Discuss the process of how the case moved from lower courts to the U.S. Supreme Court. Make sure to mention all the lower courts that were involved.
What was the reason for the appeal? Explain in your own words. Show your understanding of the issue.
Which provision of the U.S. Constitution was the basis for the appeal?
How did the Supreme Court rule? Explain the opinion in your own words.
Do you agree with this opinion? Explain in your own words.
Write a short paragraph of at least 500 words.
If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.

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