Explore the pros of the Articles of Confederation by creating a Broadside that addresses the following:The Land Ordinance of 1785The Northwest Ordinance of 1787A broadside is a large sheet of paper (a lot like a poster) that was printed on one side. These were often used during the Revolutionary era to announce events. For example, broadsides were printed when the Declaration of Independence was announced. In fact, broadsides were one of the most common forms of printed material between the 16th and 19th centuries.You will now apply what you learned by creating a graphic design using the Canva for Education Web 2.0 tool. For this assignment you will need to include the following:Begin your broadside with a powerful and interesting title, a pertinent question or a compelling scenario that will draw in your viewers. Create a brief, but compelling and informative desсrіption of the Articles of Confederation.

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