Discuss why different types of industries can be expected to locate in specific geographical contexts around the world by addressing one or more of the following questions: Explain why might iron and copper industries locate in different areas than automobile, beer producing or baking industries? Why has the distribution of steel and/or textile industries shifted geographically during the course of the last several decades? Where have these manufacturers moved from and why? Why have steel and/or textile firms moved to certain locales and why? And finally, what have been the most dramatic changes in global industries in the last several decades and why?Discuss some of these changes in some detail.Discuss why different types of service activities can be expected to locate in specific geographical contexts around the world (or in the United States). How can various sort of geographical theories or models (central place theory, market area analysis, etc.) be used to select or predict the location of various types of services? Please discuss one or more of these issues in some detail.The Book is : Cultural Landscape, The An Introduction to Human Geography By James M. Rubenstein

- Submit a Problem-Focused SOAP note here for grading. You must use an actual patient from your clinical practicum. Review the rubric for more information
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- You will be completing your final project during this module – creating a hypothetical case study Actions of a performance issue in an organization. The