Which of these interests you and why? Choose 2 from the following 4. Pandemics and Evolution:Evolutionary perspectives on the pandemic: consider a topic such as how/why viruses evolve, how pandemics shape cultural evolution (), changing, for instance, mating behavior and other aspects of human life. Sex and the Arts: human and/or animal language, music, art, mating behavior, or war (choose one) as explained by the processes of natural, cultural and/or sexual selection (). Cultural EvolutionChoose one aspect of this broad topic, such as the evolution of the Internet or Artificial Intelligence: what is its probable future; will it be beneficial or harmful to humanity (Ch 24 and 27)?Human Behavior:There must be an evolutionary advantage tp such human afflictions such as depression or psychosis, both of which are distressing to the person who must endure them. But if they’re so bad, why do they persist? In other words, why hasn’t evolution eliminated them?2. WILSON TRIES TO FOOL US YET AGAIN At the beginning of Chapter 16, Wilson says that Darwin’s theory might explain “why we grub for food and fight for mates, but not why we gaze appreciatively at the sunset.”Does he believe what he suggests here –that Darwin’s theory cannot explain our sense of beauty? Explain.3. GOOD AND EVILAt the end of Chapter 17, Wilson says: “The conflict that we frame in terms of good and evil exists in all creatures that interact with their neighbors. It doesn’t depend upon the complexity or mental activity of the organism… (132). Explain.4. WAL-MARTExplain: “An ant colony moving into a rotten log is like a Wal-Mart moving into your neighborhood: the mom-and-pop businesses must go” (145).5.UNIQUE?What is wrong with the word “unique” applied to human beings, according to Wilson. Quote to show and explain the quotation.6. QUESTIONSChoose one. Quote to show the answer and comment on the quotation, explaining how the quotation answers the question. Be sure you let us know which question you’re answering. -Are mutant cells always dangerous? -How are cancer cells analogous to “prey organisms evolving to avoid their predators” (141)-How are tumors adaptations similar to “free living organisms such as birds and fish” (142)-Is the sloppiness of the HIV virus adaptive (142)?

- Submit a Problem-Focused SOAP note here for grading. You must use an actual patient from your clinical practicum. Review the rubric for more information
- Submit the theoretical analysis portion (3-5 pages) of your final project in which you analyze theories for the treatment of compulsive and addictive beh
- The first five sections of Chapter 5 focus on?probability concepts, and the remaining sections deal with methods of counting votes, and methods of apport
- To assess a clinical issue that is the focus of your Quality Improvement Project. Create a description of the clinical issue to be addressed in the pro
- Visit the website below that reviews the transition planning process for the IEP team. How important is it to consider post-secondary goals in the IEP? D
- What are some potential indicators of a possible vision problem in infants? Also, what are some of the possible influences of visual impairment on the in
- What do business professionals need to know about computer hardware? 2. How can new hardware affect competitive strategies? 3. What do business professio
- What do you see as similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and nursing process? ?Include rational
- When it came to building empires in the Americas, the Europeans had ?some advantages.? Explain what they were, and how they served as ?advantages. 2. Wha
- You will be completing your final project during this module – creating a hypothetical case study Actions of a performance issue in an organization. The