Pandemic Experience, Sustainability, Resilience & Earth Justice. Discuss how the pandemic experience (yours, others, the world connected with what you have learned in class about sustainability, resilience and earth justice? • World View. Have you shifted in your world view / mindset of human relationship with nature/environment? Why or why not? If so, in what respects? Refer to your class experiences on discussion board and self-assessments earlier in the semester: NEP-R (what questions may you answer differently today?), SASSY! (has your view of climate change and action changed)? • Diversity of Perspectives, Values, Ethics and Knowledge (Discussion Board & Readings) Why is it important to be aware of your own values and other peoples’ values and societal values? Compare your responses to the class responses. (Hint: Interpersonal literacy and ethical literacy, see Engle white paper). • *Knowledge: What you have learned. What have you learned that you found most important in Earth Justice, Sustainability and Resilience? What concepts did you find most important over the semester. How has your idea and understanding of Earth Justice, Sustainability and Resilience changed over the whole semester? This should be largest most substantial in-depth section of your reflection essay tying together what you have learned.] • Future You. In general, how will this course be of use to you in the future? In regard to the sustainability meta-competencies? How do you imagine that you could be an agent for systemic change for solutions in your current or future career/organizations or society (activism)? For example, imagine you are appointed to be on the sustainability council of your community, volunteer organization, job, union, or college. What sustainability meta-competencies will be most important for you to be effective? Why? What sustainability meta-competencies do you think you need to develop to be the most effective in the future, and why? • Unanswered Questions. & Future Inquiries. What are some important unanswered questions you have about Sustainability at the end of this course? What areas of sustainability do you expect to investigate on your own or in a future course?
- Discuss Over under and through by Tana Hoban.
- Managing Xerox’s Multinational Development Center.
- Write a Spireslack field report.
- Discuss “Gates of Paradise” by Lorenzo Ghiberti.
- Describe Mechanical vibrations with viscous damping.
- Discuss Barbara Tyson Mosley.
- Discuss The problems in the global industrialised food system.
- Describe The Roman Colosseum.
- What did Orientalism do to the act of translation?
- Read and critique Hitchcock’s (2015b) paper.