Conduct some independent research on OCLS to locate at least one (public management) professional source not used in this class, and at least one (public management) scholarly source not used in this class. You will need to use these sources in this assignment. Organize your APA Style paper with the subheadings described below: Title Page: Include a title page with an original and meaningful title, your name, the course, and the submission date. Introduction: Begin with a well-written introductory paragraph, complete with a topic sentence (as the first sentence) and a thesis statement included in bold(as the final sentence in the paragraph). (1 paragraph) The Human Factor (chapters 3 & 4): Discuss why the human factor is a challenge for contemporary public managers. Include references to chapters 3 or 4 of the text. Also, include information from the interview you conducted to support your points and use proper APA in-text citations for the interview. Management Structures and Strategies (chapters 5 – 7):Explore how organizational structures, task assignments, organizational policies, operating procedures, innovative strategies, and/or contracting impact the job of public managers. Include references to chapters 5, 6, and/or 7 of the text. Also, include information from the interview you conducted to support your points and use proper APA in-text citations for the interview. Information, Budgeting, and Goals (chapters 8-10): Address how the power of information, information flow, the budgetary process and/or goals influence the work of public managers in a way that is different than their private sector counterparts. Include references to chapters 8, 9, and/or 10 of the text. Also, include information from the interview you conducted to support your points and use proper APA in-text citations for the interview. Communicating Public Management Decisions (chapter 11):Discuss the importance of public managers communicating effectively with the media, stakeholders, and/or the public. Include references to chapter 11 of the text. Include information from the interview you conducted to support your points and use proper APA in-text citations for the interview. Public Management as a Career (chapter 12): Discuss two (2) distinct public sector career take aways you have developed during the course. Discuss each in a separate paragraph, identified with a subheading. Each take-away paragraph should be informed by Chapter 12, Surviving and Thriving in Public Service evidenced by in-text citations. (2 paragraphs) Discuss two (2) distinct public sector career take-aways you have developed during the course. Discuss each in a separate paragraph, identified with a properly-formatted APA subheading. Each take-away paragraph should be informed by Chapter 12, Surviving and Thriving in Public Service evidenced by in-text citations. Conclusion: Wrap-up the paper with a well-organized conclusion paragraph that transitions effectively and leaves the reader with a powerful concluding thought. (1 paragraph). Reference List: Conclude your paper with a complete reference list in APA format that includes a reference for the text, the interview you conducted, as well as all outside sources that you cited in your paper.

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